Roller Coaster: How to overcome yours.

kaley dignen shares her faith with women about Jesus how to overcome the roller coaster we are on how to overcome the hard times in our lifeSometimes we get up and think that we can conquer anything. Other days, we wanna spend all day in bed because it just feels easier. It’s those days where we hear so loudly, “never will,” “ehh not quite,” and “you can’t.” It’s on those days, I want all of the answers on how to overcome this roller coaster.

Days go by and you feel back on top, conquering every mountain that comes your way. A couple days later, we will feel like we are way too much but not enough. You see, you may feel like living in this roller coaster is just “life.” Honestly, it’s not. It’s not what Jesus has in store for you. I promise. It’s normal to feel like this, but friend, don’t settle there. You don’t have to live this scary roller coaster like the rest of the world, fearing your next step or believing those lies that the world just told you. Surely, some days will be better than others. Those thoughts that you hear on those bad days make you feel like you just can’t catch a break aren’t from Jesus. It’s not your truth and it’s far from your worth. Living for Jesus is getting up no matter what the day has in store because we know how powerful the one who goes before us, walks besides us and knows every single step we are about to take. The world has all of these plans planned for you but friend, they don’t come near what Jesus has planned. Don’t miss that.

If you’re sitting in a valley that’s so deep you feel like you can’t see the end, let me tell you that the mountain may be tall for you to climb but Jesus has a way of carrying you up the entire way. He’s incredibly strong, just hop on & let him carry you.

I know sometimes morning comes quickly and we wish that we could restart yesterday so we wouldn’t have to go through another day bearing whatever burden is in our lives. If you are currently in that place or have been there, just know that Jesus sees you, hears you and is working in you 24/7. It’s going to be hard sometimes to get out of the oh so comfy bed, but Jesus is there. He is right there sister and he wants you to hang on to him tight during this detour.

kaley dignen shares her faith with women about Jesus how to overcome the roller coaster we are on how to overcome the hard times in our life

So whatever is going in your life right now that seems so heavy to carry, just let it go. Give it all to Jesus.

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31:8

 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4



Images by: Lion The Lion 


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