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A budget-friendly solution to the rising costs of healthcare

INFLATION. I know you’re experiencing a rise in costs in your daily life and trust me, I get it, it’s frustrating. I can’t help but think and prepare for the costs to rise more when raising our baby girl who is due in July. With rent rising, groceries rising and every day costs rising, one thing I am sure about is my healthcare. I have a budget-friendly solution to the rising costs of healthcare and that, my friends, is CHM!

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June 15, 2022

A Christian Centered Healthcare for Entrepreneurs

Hey there! Last time on the blog I shared all about the healthcare we chose for baby and I and our experience so far! Today, I wanted to share a the reasons behind why we chose Christian Healthcare Ministries and all that is comes along with. Choosing a christian centered approach to healthcare that fits our needs as an entrepreneur made a world of a difference in our lives and how it has impacted our personal needs. We found our solution to healthcare as I am self-employed!

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May 24, 2022

The Healthcare we chose for baby and I!

Over 10 years ago I got very sick and in the same moment, I had to become my own advocate for my health and wellness as I went undiagnosed with a range of debilitating things for years. In this season of my life, I took control over my health which included what I was eating, moving my body and truthfully a lot of rest. In the midst of all this, healthcare was very hard to get or use since a lot of what I was going through wasn’t “covered” or deemed “real” in western medicine. Fast forward, after getting married, a miscarriage and a really hard healing period, I sit here pregnant with our perfect girl with the peace of mind that the healthcare we chose for baby and I will be taking care of us from start to finish through this pregnancy and on! Sometimes healthcare can be overwhelming but when we found Christian Healthcare Ministries we were at peace immediately knowing that baby and I were going to be taken care of without a worry like the long years of my previous health journey.

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April 21, 2022