Is he the one?

Hi again, so do any of you ladies recall sitting at sleepover talking until the early morning about weddings, boys, and what you were going to grow up and be? When I was little I didn’t like going to a sleepover but I LOVED thinking about who I was going to be when I was older. It’s so cool to sit here now and chat with you guys about that. So, were those boys that you and your girls talked about good guys and more importantly were you hoping that they would be so in love with Jesus when you finally got to meet them?

I ask that because society has sadly set a standard on what “good” is and what “godly” should be. I promise you that there is a difference between a man of God and one that has “good” traits. Your man of God will surpass all of those traits that you dream about in a guy.

If you are in a relationship right now, this is for you. Ask yourself these things, okay? Ready?

  1. Is he kind?
  2. Is he compassionate?
  3. Is he humble?
  4. Is he a servant?
  5. Is he one with a gentle tongue?
  6. Is he forgiving?

I can go on and on and on and on about all of the traits that you ultimately deserve in a husband one day, but the greatest of them all is;

7. Is he obedient to God, one that fears him, one that loves him unconditionally to the point where he loves you that much?

That is the kind of man that your creator wants you to wait on and one that you ultimately deserve because you my friend, are worthy of that reward.

Now, all my single ladies, all my singles. Now put your hands up! HA! I didn’t forget about ya! You pin pictures on Pinterest for all to see, you text your girlfriends pictures of the perfect dress and ring one day that you hope to wear! We are patiently awaiting for one heck of a guy to show up in our lives. I totally get it.

Guess what?

How many of those traits above have you considered in a true potential man of God?


I know that attraction and chemistry come into play as well but outward appearance is fleeting and what he is built on inside will last forever.

Christ the solid rock WE stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

     I promise you that a good personality, one with good traits and one that you consider a “good” guy won’t ever compare to one GOOD and GODLY man. He will be good because the true goodness resides in him. His name is Jesus.

Keep your heads up beauties and don’t feel like you’re in a rush to find someone! You are worthy of being pursued, sought after and prayed for.

Pray for your future husband and don’t settle for anything less.

     He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. Proverbs 18:22

      In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Ephesians 5:28

I’m praying for you.






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