5 Ways To Clear Skin For Miss FL USA

This post is sponsored by Acne Free and the InfluenceHer Collective. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make kaleydignen.com possible!

As I prepare to compete for the job of a lifetime as Miss FL USA in January, I have been paying attention to my skin very closely! Just like anything, taking care of your body is a journey with ups and downs! That has been true for taking care of my skin as well! I am now in a place where I feel like I have found some answers and tips and tricks that work! I wanted to share with you 5 ways that I am keeping my skin clear for Miss FL USA, so here we go!

1. Fuel your body

This may be a no brainer but it’s true that whatever we put into our bodies it will show on the outside. If you are trying to clear up your skin, I suggest to up your water intake. If you are currently eating gluten and dairy, try a week without and pay attention to how your skin clears up. Certain foods and ingredients can cause inflammation which will show up on your skin. Take time to nourish your body and I promise your skin will show that!

2. Exercise

I can’t begin to explain to you how much my skin has changed since I started working out consistently. There is something so good about detoxing because when you sweat, toxins are released. Even if you aren’t a big gym junkie like me, you can break a sweat while doing something that you love! I promise, it’s worth it and you’ll feel super good after! Go start moving!

3. Acne Free Adapalene Gel

You know when you get a zit and it’s always around the time of the month and you have something big planned? Yeah? Is that just me? For the longest time, I struggled finding a topical acne treatment that wouldn’t dry out my skin and in return make it look worse or like I haven’t moisturized in a forever. I steered clear until I found the Acne Free Adapalene Gel. This product is a dermatologist recommended prescription grade acne treatment that is AFFORDABLE. You can find it on Amazon as well as Walmart and Walgreens in October 2019 and CVS in January 2020! Compared to other traditional retinoids, this one did not cause nearly as much irritation as the others. I actually haven’t had any irritation while using this. So don’t worry about a little guy on your face, apply some gel all over your face once a day and boom!

4. Destress

I know that this sounds easier than done but when we learn to take action to destress, our body displays that. This week try and go for a walk, go enjoy a hobby that you love and limit your screen time. The less stress our body is, the healthier it is and the healthier our body is, the clearer our skin looks. I found that having a morning and night routine allows me to start and end my day without thinking because feeling stable allows for less stress.

5. Get Good Rest

Okay, I know a lot of you will already know this no brainer tip but how many of us are actually getting good rest without any outside distractions? I struggle with getting to sleep quick so I have now have plugged my phone in outside of my room so if I wake up in the middle of the night, it’s too far to tempt me. Sleep is so important for our bodies and those tired of yours! We can focus on our nutrition and stress levels but getting good rest is a huge part of getting clear skin! So if you need to take a nap, have at it! I know I will!

If you have acne currently or have struggled with it before, it is okay. A blemish does not mean that you’re disqualified from being beautiful, you already are. I hope these tips and tricks help you in journey to clear skin! Remember to love yourself through it all. It matters!


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